A new nonprofit in Fort Worth wants to join the voices of those calling for change.
The M68 Project launched over the weekend with The Sign Project to build awareness.
"Step one was a sign project to build awareness, to allow our community to show a posture of humility that we are listening, that we have a lot to learn, that we're praying for justice. It was little way for us to launch and build awareness," said Zac Thompson, who started the group with his wife, Whitney.
Thompson and others who support those efforts passed out 500 free yard signs in the Berkeley neighborhood to give people a way to start conversations about racial prejudice and show a willingness to do something about it.
"It allows us to start the conversation and point out may be ways that we are unaware of how racism and system racism affects every day lives of our African-
American neighbors," Thompson said.
Thompson said he and wife had been thinking about the project for a couple of years, and the Feb. 23 shooting death of Ahmud Arberry in Georgia pushed the mission forward. The nonprofit is now awaiting 501(c)3 approval from the IRS.
"Our goal is to really enhance the way communities show compassion towards those that suffer under the burden of injustice and also work to change the cultures that create it," Thompson said. "So whether its policy reform or justice centers. We feel burdened and challenged to go change the culture, so that's our vision."
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"The M68 Project takes its cue from Micah 6:8. The scripture in the Old Testament of The Bible says, 'He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?'" Thompson said.