So Cowboys cheerleader Melissa Kellerman gets jacked up on the sideline by tight end Jason Witten, continues doing her job while hurting (unlike Felix Jones, BURRRN), then Tweets about it with some gentle humor and then the team decides to shut down her account?
If true, people, THIS IS AN OUTRAGE.
First of all, Kellerman said nothing wrong. All she said was, "Our TE isn't as tough as he looks... That or I'm WAY tougher than I look. ;)"
That's a joke.The winky emoticon was a big clue.
Secondly, have you ever been to Frank Walker's Twitter feed? Walker tweets homophobic slurs and the team doesn't bat an eye, but Kellerman makes one little joke and suddenly she's on the Black List? Even for a sport loaded with double standards, that one seems particularly egregious.
Burnsy at With Leather pointed out that Jerry Jones adores media attention, so it doesn't make sense from his perspective to ban Kellerman from Twitter. Ah, but maybe this is part of Jerry's grand plan. Maybe he knew that banning Kellerman from Tweeting would actually garner MORE attention than leaving her be. Maybe he aims to make Kellerman into a martyr, so that he can then become her personal manager and broker movie deals for her while wearing an oversized rhinestone cowboy hat. DON'T PUT IT PAST HIM.
Look, it's not all that fun being a cheerleader. You have to work weekends. You don't get health insurance. You get every drunk idiot at the stadium whistling and singing Brad Paisley songs to you. You get paid in free calendars and Greek nickels. You aren't allowed to eat solid food. The least we can do for cheerleaders is to let them maintain a public profile. That's the whole point of being a cheerleader: to maintain the illusion that your job is but a mere stepping stone to eventual superstardom as an actress/singer/reality show judge/girlfriend of a Buffalo Bill. Taking away Kellerman's Twitter account ruins that illusion, which is probably good for her in the long run but unfair to her DREAMS. So do the right thing, Double J. Give this woman her account back. Otherwise, I'll boycott staring at your cheerleaders only to fail during the first TV shot of one.