Libertarian candidates running in several local races said they feel spreading their message is more important than victory.
The self-described freedom fighters are running for a slew of seats this year, including some in the state House and Congress.
"Libertarians are folks who would like to get back to the days when the Constitution really meant something," said John Shuey, a candidate for the Board of Education.
The third-party candidates said they do not expect to win on Tuesday.
"Anything outside of what people have been taught is mainstream can appear to be a little wacky," said Christopher Claytor, who is running for a congressional seat.
David Casey, another congressional candidate, said he and his fellow Libertarians are running, "for a bigger reason than just, 'I am going to win.'"
"My goal is to get back to smaller government so that we have more money in our pockets," Claytor said.
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State Senate candidate Paul Osborn said he and his party are trying to lower the intervention of the government in the economy.
Critics say that the cause of the country's current financial crisis, but Osborn said they doesn't agree.
"The government has had a heavy hand," he said. "We really haven't had a free market economy."
"The people that would vote for me would like more freedom both economically and socially," said Brandon Parsons, a candidate for the state House of Representatives.
The five Libertarian candidates who spoke with NBC 5 on Friday said they will head to Austin to lobby their cause if they are not elected to office next week.