As the nation ponders the importance of past associations against the backdrop of a souring economy, the McCain campaign hopes to gain an edge on Obama -- who still retains a lead in national polls. However, questions about Obama's ability to retain that cushion linger as the McCain campaign hammers him about his ties will William Ayers. Today's buzz: Will Obama's Ayers problem be overshadowed by the economy and Republicans' campaigning tactics?
- Obama's wide-ranging promises are little more than a magic act that isn't founded in reality, wrote Kimberley Strassel in the WSJ. Take-away: "Just watch him defy politics, economics, even gravity!"
- Scrutinizing Obama's past associations is important because it provides insight into an otherwise opaque candidate but McCain blew it by not bringing it up months ago, writes Charles Krauthammer in the WaPo. Take-away: "Obama clearly did not consider these views beyond the pale. For many years he swam easily and without protest in that fetid pool."
- Sarah Palin also has a past riddled with politically radical pals, wrote Max Blumenthal and David Neiwert in Salon. Take-away: "[They] not only contributed to Palin's campaign financially, they played major behind-the-scenes roles in the Palin camp before, during and after her victory."
- John McCain's supporters really are that mad and that scary, wrote John Dickerson in Slate. Take-away: "Now hecklers help stir the room. The candidate and his audience are in agreement about the grave national danger posed by Barack Obama and the media."
- Newsweek asks some of America's smartest women what they think of Sarah Palin. Take-away: "Get any group of women together, of any political stripe, and Sarah Palin, with all her complexities and contradictions, becomes topic No. 1."