He kissed a girl. He didn't like it.
You might have a hard time imagining anyone complaining about about being on the receiving end of an unexpected smooch from pop superstar Katy Perry. But one "American Idol" contestant, 19-year-old Benjamin Glaze, wanted no part of the unexpected smooch.
Interviewed by The New York Times, Glaze, a 19-year-old cashier from Enid, Okla., was among the performers auditioning on the premiere of the show which aired on ABC. While preparing to perform celebrity judge Luke Bryan asked him if he had ever been kissed by a girl, referencing Perry's hit single. When he said he had not Perry motioned him over and offered to let him kiss her on the cheek. She then asked for another, this time turning her head in for a quick kiss.
“I was a tad bit uncomfortable,” Glaze told the Times, saying he considered his first kiss to be a rite of passage that he was saving for someone he had feelings for. “I wanted to save it for my first relationship,” he said. “I wanted it to be special.”
Glaze adds, “Would I have done it if she said, ‘Would you kiss me?’ No, I would have said no,” he said. “I know a lot of guys would be like, ‘Heck yeah!’ But for me, I was raised in a conservative family and I was uncomfortable immediately. I wanted my first kiss to be special.”
The scene aired as part of the program's two-night season opener. To add insult to injury Glaze was rejected by the celebrity panel of judges after his audition. ABC tweeted about the kiss on the "American Idol" twitter feed, and while some social media users thought Glaze got away with a lucky kiss, others felt he had every right to be offended by the unwanted advance.