
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Carrying 1.8T Plastic Pieces: Study

Meanwhile, the annual consumption of plastic is on the rise around the world and currently totals more than 320 million tons

There's an 80,000-ton monster lurking in the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and California and it's still getting bigger, NBC News reported.

Arguably more frightening than any shark, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a rapidly growing hot spot for ocean plastic, carrying 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic in what is now the largest accumulation of ocean debris in the world, according to a new report Thursday in Scientific Reports.

The patch is now two times larger than the size of Texas, with bits of plastic and debris spread over more than 600,000 square miles of water, according to the three-year mapping effort from eight different organizations.

Meanwhile, the annual consumption of plastic is on the rise around the world and currently totals more than 320 million tons, according to the report.

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