A North Texas woman who was born profoundly deaf and now hears clearly in both ears has written a book in hopes of inspiring others.
Sarah Churman became a YouTube sensation in 2011 when video of her reaction to getting her first hearing device implant went viral.
She is signing her memoir in Mansfield this week.
Keith Craker drove from Mesquite to meet the woman he said inspired both him and his wife.
"If you're having a downer day, it feels like you're going to have a downer day forever. And one of the beautiful things about the video is that it shows you that every day, miracles do happen," he said.
Churman was born with genetic abnormality. In September 2011, an implanted hearing device allowed her to hear clearly in one ear. In March, her second ear received the same operation.
"They turned the other one on, and I realized, 'Oh my gosh, this is like 10,000 times better to have two instead of one,'" she said.
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The mother of two said she now hears her children clearly.
"The morning after I was activated, I was sitting in the kitchen floor, crying, because I was watching them having a little tea party and listening to all their little antics between each other and stuff," Churman said.
She said it was a humbling experience to write her first book and document her journey.
"I try to blanket -- not just the hearing-impaired community, not just people with disabilities -- but just society in general," she said.
Churman also said companies are starting to include the pricey procedure -- which costs $30,000 per ear -- into their insurance plans. She said she hopes the trend will continue.
Churman will be signing copies of her book on Saturday from noon to 2 p.m. at the Texas Trust Credit Union located at 1900 Country Club Dr. in Mansfield.