"Heaven Is For Real" and most recently "Miracles from Heaven" are well known movie blockbusters.
Both tell of people's real life experience of the afterlife.
And now a local woman is sharing her very own story of her trip to heaven and how she beat the odds.
Doctors can't explain it.
But Tina Hare is a walking miracle.
"They sent the nurse in to tell me that my wife's heart wasn't beating right, her kidneys had shut down, her lungs were full of pneumonia, her brain had re-bled and there was nothing they could do for her and she wouldn't live to see morning," said Randall Hare, Tina's Husband.
On June 2013 she was found unresponsive in her bathtub by her husband and her then five year old son.
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" I heard this weird noise it sound like it's going who who and it was actually my mom saying help help but she couldn't say it cause her mouth was in water. It scared me to death, I thought she was going to die," said John Hare, Tina's son.
A brain aneurysm on her carotid artery behind her right eye sent Tina to the hospital.
This led to a month plus of being in and out of a coma but she wasn't alone.
"First thing I told my husband when they brought me out of the coma, the first thing i seen was the Lord, he had my hand and i seen myself in my tub and he looked at me and told me not to worry that I would be okay. And then the next vision I would have would be I seen heaven and I seen my unborn son that we lost in a miscarriage came up to me," said Tina Hare.
The whole time Hare was off the grid in the hospital, her family and friends were uplifting her in prayer. And those prayers were answered.
"They were able to repair the aneurysm and then a week in Dallas then I came back here for three weeks of rehab and walked out of the hospital exactly seven weeks later completely healed and restored, " said Hare.
Hare's supernatural experience even got the attention of the Christian Broadcasting Network.
They were recently in town covering her story of how she was brought back to life.
The Hares say that CBN episode will air in a few weeks on the 700 Club on KAMR-TV.
And the Hares are also working on a book about Tina's story.
They plan to release the PDF version pretty soon but they're still trying to settle on a title.