Dallas voters overwhelmingly supported all 10 parts of a $1.05 billion public improvement bond referendum Tuesday.
Dallas Park Board President Bobby Abhati was a strong supporter of the referendum.
"It speaks to the spirit of Dallas, that when we get together as a city and want to do great things for the quality of life of our citizens, and to build parks and fix our roads, that we do it and we do it with a resounding 'yes,'" Abhati said.
Park and recreation facilities and improvements get $261,807,000.
Improvements for Dallas Fair Park get another $50 million, even though the city has yet to decide which of three private groups that answered a request for proposals will take over operation of Fair Park.
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Regardless of who runs Fair Park, Abhati said the city improvements are still badly needed.
"The citizens of Dallas have owned Fair Park and will own Fair Park forever. This RFP that's out there is to manage the park. It's still the city's crown jewel," he said.
Street and transportation improvements receive $533,981,000, the largest share of the bond referendum. There is also $48,750,000 for flood control.
The public vote was originally planned for May 2017, but was delayed as the city settled a police and fire pension crisis.
Many of the projects included in the bond referendum have been deferred for years, including security upgrades to Dallas police stations.
City officials promise to move along the projects voters approved Tuesday faster than bond projects have been completed in the past.
"We have a new city manager, and he's committed to making sure these projects are done in the next five years. It's an admirable goal, and I think that he's able to do it and excited," Abhati said.
Prop B -- The issuance of $261,807,000 general obligation bonds for parks and recreation facilities and improvements, the estimated amount of repayment, including principal and interest based on current market conditions being $355,610,250.
Prop D -- The issuance of $48,750,000 general obligation bonds for flood protection and storm drainage improvements, the estimated amount of repayment, including principal and interest based on current market conditions being $66,088,750.
Prop F -- The issuance of $14,235,000 general obligation bonds for cultural and performing arts facilities and improvements, the estimated amount of repayment, including principal and interest based on current market conditions being $19,294,500.
Prop H -- The issuance of $18,157,000 general obligation bonds for repairs and improvements to city hall and to various city service and administrative facilities, the estimated amount of repayment, including principal and interest based on current market conditions being $24,608,750.
Prop J -- The issuance of $20,000,000 general obligation bonds for permanent, supportive and transitional housing facilities for the homeless, the estimated amount of repayment, including principal and interest based on current market conditions being $27,115,750.