After years of discussion, TxDOT will soon reveal the route it's chosen to help ease congestion on U.S. Highway 380 through Collin County.
In McKinney, two options are on the table: A red bypass and a green option that would widen the existing highway.
Critics of the green option say it would have devastating effects.
Lonestar Food Store is one of about 300 businesses in Collin County that would be displaced by the widening of 380. More than half are in McKinney.
Owner Diane McCarty said she recently invested more than $2 million in upgrades to the business.
"We certainly did not imagine that anything that could devastate the business was in the works," McCarty said.
Next door, Chick-fil-A could face the same fate.
The latest news from around North Texas.
If 380 is widened, owner Don Westback said his business would be wiped out leaving more than 100 people without jobs.
"I've had this store for the entire 20 years, haven't relocated or done anything like that and I want to be here 'til I retire," Westback said.
Amy Limas is with a group against the widening of 380.
She also lives in a neighborhood where some homes could be in the cross-hairs.
"As we requested the list of impacted businesses, as we blew up maps and started looking, we realized that it is a city-defining decision with the amount of destruction along 380, potentially," Limas said.
Limas hopes a bypass is the option TxDOT chooses.
So do business owners along 380 wondering if they stand to lose out on a good thing.
TxDOT will reveal the alignment it recommends at three meetings next week.
They'll be held Monday, Tuesday and Thursday in McKinney, Princeton and Prosper.
Monday, May 6, 2019, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
- Russell A. Steindam Courts Building
- 2100 Bloomdale Road, McKinney
Tuesday, May 7, 2019, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
- Princeton High School
- 1000 E. Princeton Drive, Princeton
Thursday, May 9, 2019, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
- Rogers Middle School
- 1001 Coit Road, Prosper