Trump May Help Texas Presidential Candidates' Coffers

Donald Trump's visit to the Mexico border Thursday continued to dominate attention in the GOP presidential race, to the growing exasperation of his rivals.

While Trump may take headlines, Dallas County Republican Party Chairman Wayne Emmert believes Trump may actually give candidates with Texas ties a financial boost.

"If some of the big donors think Trump really has a chance to do well in Texas, sure they might very well put more money into Rick Perry, Ted Cruz, of Jeb Bush," said Emmert.

Where Trump could affect the race here in Texas. This is not a winner take all state. And there is a lot at stake, with 155 delegates.

"They are hoping with Texas ties they will get their fair share of delegates, so with Trump in the mix he might pull away their delegate camp," added Emmert.

And then there is the issue of how the candidates handle Trump.

Right now, The Dallas Morning News political expert Gromer Jeffers says Cruz is staying away from verbal sparring, with a wait and see attitude.

"He wants to be there to pick up Trump supporters when and if Trump falls down," said Jeffers.

Meanwhile, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry has been taking Trump on. Jeffers says Trump may help him, because that puts Perry in the limelight.

"If Perry is successful is that maybe he can go from 2 percent and maybe rise in the polls because he is getting into and mixing it up with Donald Trump," said Jeffers.

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