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The Fourth of July has brought some summertime weather extremes to North Texas.
The average high for July 4 is 94, with an average low of 74. Since record keeping began there have been 11 times Independence Day has hit 100 degrees or greater. The holiday have never seen a freeze.
The highest temperature ever recorded on the holiday was 105 degrees in 1996. The coolest high was 71 in 1924.
We don’t normally see much rain; the average rain chance is 18 percent. The wettest Fourth of July was two years ago. In 2016, 3.20” of rain fell at DFW International Airport.
Severe thunderstorms plagued the 4th in 1995 and 1976. In 1998 a tropical disturbance ended a heat wave and drought.
This year will be hot and humid with some rain possible. A ridge of high pressure that has help temperatures soar into the triple digits will life north by Wednesday.

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