The Colony's Most Dangerous Intersections

Nearly 200 crashes have occurred in two intersections in The Colony since January 2009, according to a city study.

City engineers say Main Street and State Highway 121 is the most dangerous intersection in The Colony, with an intersection just a half mile to the east -- Paige Road and State Highway 121 -- a close second.

“I actually started keeping a log of all the accidents and the types of cars that were involved,” said Candace Kavanaugh, who works at the Bank of America branch on the southeast corner of Main Street and Highway 121.

Julia Espinoza, who also works at the bank, said there are several crashes a week during the hours the bank is open.

City engineers said neither intersection requires an arrow for drivers going south who make a left turn east onto the highway access road.

"On a green ball, you have to yield to oncoming traffic, and people are not doing that and getting broadsided,” said Gordon Scruggs, The Colony traffic engineer.

The city is also concerned about the turn lanes, which have dual options for drivers to continue south or turn east.

According to the study, 68 percent of the collisions at Paige Road and Highway 121 involved left turns. At Main Street and Highway 121, 72 percent of the crashes involved left turns.

Scruggs said the city wants to require a green arrow for left turns so that oncoming traffic will be stopped while drivers are turning.

But The Colony can't make changes to the traffic lights or lanes at either intersection. The North Texas Transit Authority owns State Highway 121, and the Texas Department of Transportation operates Main Street, which is also Farm-to-Market 423. Both agencies would be responsible for any changes to lane assignments or traffic signals.

However, city leaders said they anticipate quick action now that the collisions have been documented.

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