University of Texas

UT Austin Custodial Staff Member Dies from COVID-19 Complications

According to UT Austin, this is the university's first death related to COVID-19

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The University of Texas at Austin

The University of Texas at Austin has announced that a member of the custodial services team at a died from COVID-19 complications.

According to UT Austin, this is the university's first death related to COVID-19.

The individual's positive COVID-19 test result was reported to the university's HealthPoint Occupational Health Program last month.

The university implemented contact tracing, employee notification, facility assessment, and disinfection protocols, and all affected individuals followed guidance to self-isolate, the university said.

UT Austin said that grief counseling is available to the individual's coworkers in custodial services through the HealthPoint Employee Assistance Program. Counseling is also available remotely through video and phone counseling.

Services for students are available through the Counseling and Mental Health Center.

The university reminded everyone to follow preventive precautions, including wearing cloth masks, keeping a distance of six feet from others, washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

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