Greg Abbott

Governor Abbott Issues Proclamation Recognizing Jan. 28 as Sexual Assault Survivors Day in Texas

Abbott encouraged Texans to honor survivors in an effort to encourage healing and empowerment for victims of sexual violence

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott discusses legislative priorities for improving safety in the state.
NBC 5 News

Governor Greg Abbott has issued a proclamation in recognition of Sexual Assault Survivors Day in Texas.

House Bill 2298, authored by Representative Tan Parker during the 86th Legislative Session, established Jan. 28 as Sexual Assault Survivors Day in Texas.

According to Abbott's office, the day is a time for Texans to come together to build awareness about the issue of sexual assault.

The day also serves to recognize the courage of survivors throughout the state, Abbott's office said.

Abbott encouraged Texans to honor survivors in an effort to encourage healing and empowerment for victims of sexual violence.

Texans can also use the hashtag #TXSexualAssaultSurvivorsDay to share their support on social media, Abbott's office said.

The Governor's Sexual Assault Survivors' Task Force was established in 2019 under House Bill 1590 during the 86th Legislative Session.

The task force aims to ensure a survivor-centered, trauma-informed, collaborative, and coordinated response to sexual violence experienced by adults and children across the state, Abbott's office said.

The task force brings together both professionals and survivors who are focused on delivering system improvements on behalf of Texas sexual assault survivors.

In honor of all Texas survivors, the Sexual Assault Survivors' Task Force gathered for its first quarterly meeting of 2021 on Jan. 28 in recognition of Sexual Assault Survivors Day.

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