
Texas Lawmaker: Expect Bills to Get Rid of Campus Carry

Campus carry was one of the most heated battles on the floor of the Texas Legislature last year. In the end it passed largely down party lines, but the bill did allow public universities to allocate gun-free zones.

Signs are now posted on those campuses to let students know where concealed carry is allowed.

"You just have to be more careful," said student Elizabeth Cooper.

Students returning to campus say they do take a little getting used to.

"It is interesting to see them now at school, because that is where you didn't see them before," said student Stephen Bruton.

Guns on campus is still something some lawmakers who voted against it are not accepting. Months before the next legislative session, they are already making plans to get rid of it.

"It's time to have a new conversation on this, and overturn campus carry," said State Rep. Rafael Anchia, D-Dallas.

Anchia says lawmakers are already working on such bills. NBC 5 asked how about trying to get this passed, in a House and Senate still controlled by Republicans.

"There is no doubt it is going to be a heavy lift. It passed last session. But the other reality is that people don't want this. You are seeing a heightened awareness with all of the gun violence," Anchia added.

But State Rep. Jonathan Stickland, R-Bedford, doesn't think any bill against campus carry will go anywhere.

"I think the voters in Texas have already spoken on this issue. They continue to elect people who are strong on the Second Amendment," Stickland said.

He thinks the current bill doesn't go far enough, and some lawmakers will push to get rid of zones on public universities where guns are not allowed.

"This comes down to a fundamental right to protect yourself, and gun-free zones continue to be dangerous places for our kids and for everyone," Stickland said.

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