
Texas Connects Us: George The Rooster

A hardware store in northeast Dallas has quite a following, but it's not because of their tools or home decor. It's all because of George the rooster.

It's the kind of thing you'd expect at a pet store.

"He just became part of the place," explained Andrea Ridout. "Gradually he sort of became a fixture."

But this is a hardware store, where roosters usually aren't allowed.

"The whole thing got started when a little girl came into the store one day, clutching her chicken," Ridout said. "She was afraid he was going to end up in a stew pot."

Employees tried to find the rooster a home, but eventually decided he belonged in the store.

"Time went by and we just fell in love with him," Ridout remembered.

And now, four years later, George still rules the roost.

"People come in here just to see George," Ridout said.

Especially the kids. They can't seem to get enough, but at one point the city of Dallas did.

"They said, you're not really supposed to have a rooster in town," Ridout said.

But George is different. He goes on field trips to help teach others about chickens, and when the city saw what George did for others, they apparently backed off.

"Because they consider him a therapy bird," Ridout said.

Remember, this isn't a pet shop, but it sure seems like one.

"We didn't necessarily intend to sell chicks," Ridout said. "We counted and we sold over 5,000 baby chicks."

So what does the future hold at Rooster Home and Hardware? George has that covered, too.

"Gracie is George's gal friend," Ridout joked. "They have a baby, Paula. It's one big, happy, chicken family."

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