
Students Learn About Germany From Traveling Museum

The WunderBus is a traveling museum on wheels that's visiting schools across the country

Emily Alexander is all in when it comes to Germany.

"I had been taking Spanish for so long and I felt like everyone was taking it and I wanted to do something a little different, so why not German," Alexander said. "It's probably the best decision I made in high school."

You can imagine her and other Nolan Catholic High School students' reaction when the WunderBus came to their school. The WunderBus is a traveling museum on wheels that's crossing the country, visiting high schools to celebrate the friendship between Germany and the United States.

It was designed by the German government for students to gain information about studying abroad, working abroad, visiting Germany and to connect youth in America with their counterparts abroad.

Frederic Korona made the trip to answer questions from students.

"They ask, 'Is it really that you eat brats everyday, and potato salad, and if you have schnitzel on the weekend and do you drink so much beer?' Korona said. "We’re like, 'Yeah, it's kind of true.'"

The students enjoyed the laughs, but also the learning.

Virtual reality headsets let them see and feel what it was like to stand downtown in many German cities.

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