Something Good happened recently at Children’s Medical Center in Dallas. Kaycee Ivey, 15, was finally released from the hospital.
Ivey, who is from east Texas, was critically injured in a multi-vehicle crash in Canton in October 2019. Her mother and her aunt were both killed in the crash. Kaycee’s injuries were so severe, she was flown to the Dallas hospital for treatment.
Doctors didn’t know if Kaycee would even walk again.
“After spending Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and his birthday in our care, Kaycee’s going home! Critically injured from a car accident, she defied the odds by regaining her ability to walk. Kaycee is resilient and inspirational and we’re glad she’s home,” posted the hospital on their twitter feed.
Kaycee still has a long recovery road ahead of her, but seeing her walk out of the hospital to cheers from doctors and nurses was truly something good to celebrate.