Fort Worth

Students Learn ‘Dollars and Sense' at Reality Fair

Officers at Frost Bank shared lessons in budget management and negotiation

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Some high school seniors in Fort Worth spent a day getting a dose of reality. And it turned out to be something good.

Frost Bank hosted a Reality Fair for students to learn some financial know-how as they prepare to leave high school.

The seniors at Young Women's Leadership Academy and Young Men's Leadership Academy were assigned careers with a monthly paycheck and monthly expenses based on real-life scenarios.

More than 40 officers of Frost Bank also gave students lessons on managing a budget and negotiation.

"Some ended up with no money and had to sell their car, get second jobs, etc., while others had quite a bit of money and even started a savings account and retirement. They also learned it is not so much fun to make money and have it all go to pay for necessities," wrote Lynn Hammer, who sent the pictures to NBC 5 News.

And maybe here's the best lesson of all: "One of the students said he now had a better appreciation for what his parents have to pay every month."

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