
Auto Technicians in Plano Handle a Hare-y Situation

A bunny was hiding under the hood of a car

NBCUniversal, Inc.

A couple of technicians at a dealership in Plano handled an odd call the other day.

It was a normal day at the shop when "Something Good" hopped in.

A customer had seen something fluffy under the hood of her car and headed to Park Place Lexus Plano where technicians Jason Dill and Eric Barnes got to work.

"We were told there could be a possible live bunny in a car," Dill said.

"We just popped the hood and started looking around for it," Barnes added.

That was the mission: Find the live bunny. They took off panels and found the furry guy in the front bumper area.

The bunny seemed a bit surprised at first, but it was soon ready to hop out of there... But Dill and Barnes were faster.

They caught the bunny and let him go in a field across the street.

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