
Some Dallas Restaurants and Bars ‘Rocked' by Monday Flooding

NBCUniversal, Inc.

As parts of Dallas were slammed with flash flooding Monday morning, restaurants and bars in hard-hit areas like Deep Ellum, downtown and East Dallas were assessing the damage.

Joel Morales, who runs The Peak Inn in East Dallas as well as Adair’s Saloon in Deep Ellum, says Peak Inn “got rocked,” with 3 inches of water in the building from front to back. Morales hopes not to close at all, “but possibly a day,” he says.

Adair’s was “fine,” he says, but it was dicey for a while. “If it rains medium hard, it typically comes in the downslope at the back door, but we also have a sump pump and sandbags, so that was covered. A little water started to come in the front door which I have only seen twice in 20-plus years.”

To read more, visit our partners at the Dallas Morning News.

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