A North Texas cafe is serving up more than hot meals.
The Vynami Cafe is teaching restaurant skills to special needs students at Little Elm High School.
The cafe, which is tucked inside a classroom, serves Little Elm school employees on Tuesdays.
"I can take this experience that I'm taking right now, and I can do it on my own when I'm done graduating," said Jose Morales, a senior learning cooking skills.
Morales's friends and classmates also learn how to cook, clean and serve.
"The general expectation has always been there's not a place in society for them, and what are they going to do when they leave high school?" said Cortney Clover, Little Elm Independent School District special populations director.
Clover said she is confident the cafe would prepare her students for life after high school.
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"Most people have been beyond belief, pleased to see what our students are able to do," she said.
"When the drinks get low, it's filled up," said Little Elm employee Tex Milner. "When you want your food, it's there. The food's good. The service is great, and it's really good to see these kids perform at a level where I can see them working and going into town to a restaurant and working in a few years."