Robber Shot by Homeowner In North Dallas

Dallas police said two armed men came to the door of a condo in the 5600 block of Harvest Hill, and when a resident answered the door, the men rushed in to rob him.

The resident, armed with a handgun, chased the two men back out of the condo, fired a single shot that hit one of the robbers in the chest. The man was taken to the hospital where he died, the other robber got away.

Residents report crime has gone up over the past two week, and that some of the apartment complexes have posted alerts warning of the spike in crime.

Dallas police said the man opened his door believing a friend was at the door.

Police said this incident serves as a reminder that you should always be on your guard. "It is better to check to try to determine who it is knocking on your door late at night." Said Dallas police Sgt. Bruce McDonald.

The resident is not facing charges. The case will be forwarded to the Grand Jury for review.

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