
Richardson Creates “Watch List” for Mosquito Breeding Grounds

Spring is in the air. So is something else most would love to live without – mosquitoes.

Stagnant pools can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes, something Lora Rollins of Richardson, knows all too well.

During peak hours, Rollins says her backyard is filled with mosquitoes. She blames her neighbor’s pool, which is filled with black, stagnant water.

She says she complains to the City of Richardson ever year. Each time, the city says the homeowner complies.

Rollins says the pool is drained but then it rains and the process repeats.

“I’m sick of it,” she said.

Her most recent complaint was made this week.

The home is now the city’s new watch list, “a proactive stagnant water inspection program to monitor pools and other areas for stagnant water across the city,” city spokesperson Greg Sowell told NBC 5.

Being on the list means monthly check-up’s by the health department. If the problems persist, the homeowner could receive a notice of violation and citation. It could also mean the city obtains a warrant to remove stagnant water at the owner’s expense.

For Rollins, the progress may be promising, but until there is a permanent fix, she says she’ll keep her family protected with a seemingly endless supply of mosquito repellent products.

Here are resources for reporting standing water that could be a source of mosquitoes:

Dallas: Request City Service for Mosquitoes

Fort Worth: Code Compliance

Richardson: Report Mosquitoes or Possible Source

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