Pay and pension are two words surrounded in controversy at the Dallas Police Department. But some potential recruits don't see it that way and want to become D.P.D. officers.
Despite the dramatic loss of officers the Dallas Police Department has seen in the last year, nearly 400, officers tell NBC 5 that recruiting efforts and interest have increased.
On the first day of a three day testing phase, applicants are required to pass a physical fitness test. One exercise simulates hoping a fence, a bench press tests upper body strength and an obstacle sprint resembles a chase down.
It's as close to reality as the police recruiting force can get with a new pool of applicants.
U.S. Army Veteran Ryan Bureau is trying to get hired on because he says D.P.D. offers more than most.
"You can go try and be a detective, you can do K9 you can do SWAT, the opportunities are endless as far as law enforcement goes," he said.
Even with a dramatic loss in officers since October of last year, the recruiting team says interest hasn't waned.
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"Is it a little out of the ordinary? Yes, I'd like to think so, does it create a challenge for our unit? Yes it does but we are dedicated to this department and if that means we have to be aggressive with our recruiting efforts with hiring efforts, then we're going to do everything possible to ensure that we start gaining those numbers," said Lt. Irene Alanis with the Dallas Police Department.
It's clear, despite competitive pay and pension some servant hearts hope to stay in Dallas.
"The benefits are nice, nobody can really lie about that but I'd do this job even if it was $20,000 a year and I'd have to find something on the side," said Bureau.
In addition to the potential hires, officers say 151 have been added to the force recently. Pete Bailey, President of the Dallas Police Retired Officers Association says unfortunately they expect to lose even more officers by the end of the month as the new pension law takes effect.
Click here for more information on the Dallas Police Department hiring process.