
Plano Police Officer Goes Beyond Badge to Help Group of Young Men

A Plano police officer went beyond the badge to help a group of young men at City House in Plano after their bikes were stolen.

Casper Foirster and Jamarcus Roy are both in the Transitional Living Program at City House, a program that helps homeless young adults grow and learn to live independently. They said that there has been an ongoing problem with the residents’ bikes being stolen.

“For some reason, people like to take and steal stuff, and there are a lot of people here that actually need to get where they need to go,” Roy said.

The boys rely on the bikes to get to and from work.

“I’ve had two stolen,” Foirster said. “It’s far distances that we have to go, and with people stealing the bikes it’s not able to help us get there. And most of us can’t afford a car right now, so we use the bikes for transportation."

But thanks to Plano police officer Soto, the boys are back on the road again. Soto teamed up with ReCycles McKinney to give the boys four bikes to get them moving again.

“It’s a good feeling to know that someone’s there to help you,” Foirster said.

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