On Election Day, voters can ride free on the Denton County Transportation Authority, Dallas Area Rapid Transit, and Trinity Metro to cast their ballot.
Identification is required to ride free on Denton County Transportation Authority on Tuesday. Voters can ride the A-train commuter rail, the Connect Bus system in Denton and Lewisville, the University of North Texas Campus Shuttles, the Lewisville Lakeway On-Demand service, and the Downtown Denton Transit Center Evening On-Demand service to get to a voting location.
Denton County voters can find their polling places at votedenton.com or by using the Denton County interactive map.
Passengers can use DCTA's Transit Tracker system to find and track their ride via the mobile app, online, text, or call the agency's customer service team at 940-243-0077. Additional information about DCTA's Election 2020 free ride promotion can be found at www.DCTA.net/vote.
Dallas Area Rapid Transit will also provide free service all day to help voters get to polling locations.
Voters can ride at no cost on all DART bus, light rail, Dallas Streetcar, GoLink and Paratransit service, and on the Trinity Railway Express between EBJ Union Station and CentrePort/DFW Airport Station.
Customers can map out their ride in the free GoPass app or use the Trip Planner on DART.org. DART Customer Service is also available at 214-979-1111 to answer questions and provide trip planning information.
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For more information on riding DART to vote, visit to www.DART.org/Vote.
Voters who ride Trinity Metro can show their voter registration card or current Texas ID and ride for free on Tuesday.
The transit services included in the program are Trinity Metro's bus routes, near Southside ZIPZONE, Crowley ZIPZONE and Mercantile ZIPZONE, ACCESS paratransit, Tarrant County Transportation Services, Northeast Transportation Services, and Arlington's transit service Via and Handitran.
For more information on Trinity Metro's Election Day free ride promotion, visit ridetrinitymetro.org.
Voters who ride DCTA, DART and Trinity Metro can help keep themselves and others safe on Election Day by wearing a face covering while riding and while at the voting location.
Voters should also carry hand sanitizer with you to use before and after voting, bring their own sanitized pen to sign any forms, and wash their hands with soap and water as soon as they can after leaving the voting location.