In North Texas, Wednesday’s assault on the nation’s Capitol building by rioters was watched with shock and anger. And for many, the restraint and absence of force used by police was representative of a clear double standard when compared to peaceful protests frequently met with force.
“The sentiment from our listeners was hypocrisy almost and a lot of them felt a double standard,” said DeDe McGuire, host of ‘DeDe in the Morning’ on K104.
Thursday morning, listeners called into McGuire’s show to share their frustration over the way white rioters were treated compared to peaceful protestors of color.
“Yesterday was just another example where we are going - please no, let’s not have 2021 be what we saw in 2020. And on a scale of 1 to 10, yesterday was one of the worst, like what else can happen,” said McGuire.
Investigators are still trying to piece together how the mob was able to enter the Capitol and what preceded the response witnessed by millions on live television.
But when compared to the way protests were handled in Dallas over the summer, the difference is stark. Tear gas and less-lethal ammunition were frequently deployed against protestors blocking streets and roadways in response to the killing of George Floyd. In some cases, causing severe injuries.
“It felt like the protestors were met with much more force than these Trump supporters were,” said photographer Chris Rusanowsky, who documented the Dallas protests.
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Rusanowsky, like many others, watched the Capitol riot trying to process what it meant for his country.
“It makes you upset as an American, especially me being a father, I don’t want to see this country going in the wrong direction as my son is growing up,” said Rusanowky.