When dealing with a big company it's easy to get passed around from person to person. It's extra frustrating when that company owes you money.
Ken Fung was in this very situation at the worst possible time in his life.
Ken's mother was in a nursing home and died on Mother's Day, right in the middle of the month of May.
Ken Fung asked the facility for a refund for half of the month's charge.
We called around and many nursing homes don't do that, but Fung tells us Victoria Gardens of Allen agreed to do so.
However, he didn't get a check. Every time he asked about the delay, he says he was given different reasons like: he still owed on another account, the finance person was out, or the corporate system was down.
So, he finally turned to NBC 5 Responds.
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We reached out to the nursing home repeatedly by phone and through email.
Our team never got a call back to verify the claims and work out a deal. However, days after we started making contact, the nursing home called Fung and provided him the full refund.
When you're caught in a back and forth with a company, document what everyone tells you, takes notes, and try to find some other person in the company to listen.
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