The mother of a newborn girl abandoned in the hallway of a Dallas apartment complex was arrested Wednesday, police said.
Angela Castro, 33, came forward to claim the baby last Wednesday. She faces charges of endangering a child, which is a second-degree felony.
A resident found the baby wrapped in a blanket on June 10 at the Cambridge Apartments in the 5900 block of East Northwest Highway, a Dallas Fire-Rescue spokesman said.
Paramedics clamped and cut the baby's still attached umbilical cord and transported her to Parkland Memorial Hospital. The baby, who caseworkers are calling Bella, has been released from the hospital and placed in foster care.
DNA tests results have not come back yet, but Dallas police said they are confident that Castro is the child's mother.
If Castro is convicted, she faces 2-20 years in prison and, or a fine up to $10,000. Police said Castro does not have a prior criminal history in Dallas County.