Beginning this week some Texans 65 and older or those with underlying health conditions can receive a COVID-19 vaccination, and Tarrant County set up a website for people to register.
But, supply is limited and for now people outside Tarrant County will have to call around to find a pharmacy or clinic administering the vaccine.
The Tarrant County website includes a questionnaire asking for age, underlying medical conditions and other information. It promises to respond within 24 hours but it was unclear how long it would take to actually set appointments.
CLICK HERE for Texas COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Locations
According to the Texas Department of State Health Services, people who fall under Phase 1B are now eligible to receive the vaccine, but it will be up to the discretion of individual pharmacies and clinics to determine if they have enough supply. First responders who fall under Phase 1A take priority.
Phase 1B includes:
- People 65 years of age and older
- People 16 years of age and older with at least one chronic medical condition that puts them at increased risk for severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19, such as but not limited to:
chronic kidney disease
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease or cardiomyopathies
solid organ transplantation
obesity and severe obesity (body mass index of 30 kg/m2 or higher)
sickle cell disease
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
NBC 5 spoke to a couple in their 70s who was able to call around and find a Super 1 Food's pharmacy in Seagoville giving vaccines to those 65 and older.
They made an appointment and on Tuesday morning received a Moderna vaccine.
A spokesperson for Texas Department of State Health Services released the following statement to NBC 5:
"We’re still in Phase 1A but we have provided guidance to providers who have vaccinated all willing members of Phase 1A and have vaccine available. We added a provider location map to our website and we’ve updated our main vaccine information page with information for the public advising them to check with providers to find out if they have vaccine that can be used to vaccinate people in Phase 1B. The map shows where vaccine was shipped but doesn’t indicate if that provider has vaccine available for the Phase 1B population. We want to be clear that Phase 1B people can check with these providers to determine if they have vaccine available and can make an appointment to get vaccinated at that location. We recognize that the available supply is limited and some providers on the map may have already used all of their allocation. Please let your viewers know that Texas will receive more vaccine each week so people can check the map weekly for updated information."