Moats Takes High Road, Accepts Officer's Apology

Houston Texans running back Ryan Moats said Monday on ABC's "Good Morning America" that he hopes Dallas police officer Robert Powell was sincere in his apology issued publicly Friday over the March 18 incident -- and that he accepts that apology.

Moats' wife, Tamishia, said on the news show that it would be comforting to hear the apology personally, but that she too would definitely accept it.

Through his attorneys, Powell released the following statement on Friday afternoon: 

"I wish to publicly and sincerely apologize to the Moats family, my colleagues in the Dallas Police Department, and to all those who have been rightfully angered by my actions on March 18, 2009. After stopping Mr. Moats’ vehicle, I showed poor judgment and insensitivity to Mr. Moats and his family by my words and actions. With great remorse I accept my responsibility for adding to their grief in an already difficult time.  

I have attempted to reach Mr. Moats to express my personal condolences directly to his family and my regret about my actions. While these efforts have been unsuccessful so far, I hope we can talk soon.

Again, I am very sorry for what I did and ask for the forgiveness of all those touched by these unfortunate events."

On March 18, Powell pulled out his gun and threatened Moats with jail as the player pleaded to go inside the hospital. Moats' mother-in-law died before he got there.

Before his apology, Powell drew the fire of Dallas mayor Tom Leppert, Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle and most recently City Council Member Angela Hunt who suggested Powell should be dismissed from the Dallas Police Department.

"Powell's behavior indicates a lack of common sense and common decency, and he should not continue to serve on our police force," Hunt wrote in her online blog.

Since the incident with Moats became public last week, former Dallas Cowboys linebacker Zach Thomas stepped forward and said Powell mistreated and arrested his wife after she made an illegal U-Turn last July.

Powell is currently on paid leave pending the results of an internal police investigation.

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