Jay Crum lives in a century-old house in McKinney's Historic District. But in April, the house experienced a first.
"It was the first time the house was broken into," he said.
He should know. His family built the house 112 years ago, and it has stayed in his family since then.
Crum said his neighbors across the street and behind his home have been hit by thieves. While all the neighbors talk and look out for each other, Crum's home has been broken into three times in the last month.
"The best protection is a nosy neighbor, and I've got great neighbors -- they're all nosy, but it still doesn't work," Crum joked. "One time, they kicked in four doors at once."
Another time, the burglars picked his lock.
"The first time, they stole guns and ammunition," Crum said, shaking his head.
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Crum reported the break-ins to McKinney police, who have picked up patrols in the area.
Crum is also doing his part. He started writing "stolen from Jay Crum" on his power tools, lawn equipment and other tools. He even posted a sign on his garage windows that reads "serial numbers recorded and on file."
But it hasn't deterred the bad guys.
Lt. Scott Brewer said the area might be a ripe target because many of the homes are surrounded by high trees and shrubs, making it tough for people to see from the street to the house. Brewer said trimming back foliage might help scare the burglars away.
If you have any information on the burglaries, call the McKinney Police department at 972-547-2700.