As the battle for/against the Convention Center Hotel continues to boil, Mayor Tom Leppert is using some direct marketing tactics to fight against the "Vote Yes" ads running all over. He's sending the citizens of Dallas a letter and starring in his own video ad.
We got copies of both Leppert's letter and a Q&A sheet that'll be included inside. Click here for the letter, here for the Q&A -- but here's some segments you may want to read without opening Adobe Reader:
As you have probably seen, there are a lot of rumors, mistruths and, most unfortunately, personal attacks being circulated, all around the convention center hotel. These radical changes to our City Charter won’t affect the California agency that made the attack ads –but they will impact you and me.
That’s why I wanted to write you and personally address these attacks, and give you my perspective on the hotel referendum.
This election is not about politics, personal attacks or your right to vote. It’s also not about your city services being threatened since the hotel would be funded using low-interest bonds that would be repaid by revenues from hotel guests.
The May 9 referendum is about our city’s financial future. It’s about jobs, new opportunities and the economic growth that we so desperately need right now. And it’s about competing for valuable new tax revenues, and lifting the ever-growing tax burden from the shoulders of our homeowners.
Leppert goes on to pitch the reasons why you should vote "No" on Proposition 1, as expected, but he continues to jab at the "slick California ad agency who's using a paid actor to deliver their message."
I ask you to look past the manipulation and mistruths, and to have faith in our city’s can-do reputation for fiscally-responsible, successful public-private partnerships that increase our tax base, boost sales tax receipts and create jobs.
We'll see how the city of Dallas votes on May 9th -- maybe the city will say we "can't do" a city-owned hotel.
NOTE: This mailing is not tax-payer supported. The letter clearly shows that it's a political ad paid for by the "Build The Hotel" committee.
The latest news from around North Texas.
UPDATED: Whoa, boy. Mayor Tom isn't taking the "arrogant" claim lying down, starring in his own ad that mocks the "Vote Yes" ads. Take a gander at his ad:
What do you think, Townies? Are Leppert's letters and videos going to make you think twice about your vote?