The IRS is giving all taxpayers an extra day to file after its website went down on deadline day. The agency announced that individuals and businesses with a filing or payment that was due Tuesday now have until midnight Wednesday. It said no additional paperwork is needed to get the extension. The agency's website for making payments and gaining access to other key services crashed amid the filing flood. The website appeared to be back to normal late Tuesday.
There are other options out there. You can pay with a debit or credit card with a four dollar processing fee.
You can file through one of the tax preparer companies or do it like your mom and dad did and just drive to the post office and hand it to the clerk so it's postmarked by April 17.
If you're still preparing your forms there are some things that can help.
Get out last year's tax return. They're a great guideline to help you see if it makes since to itemize your deductions.
Proofread. The most common mistakes last minute filers make is putting down an incorrect social security number, often times for their kids.
Sign your return. When you're racing to beat the clock save yourself some time and slow down and check for everything including if you signed on the dotted line.
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If you just won't make the deadline, you can file for an extension on the IRS website. At last check that was working but keep in mind the payments will still be due April 17.
If you pay later, there's interest and penalties.