In a campaign stop in Fort Worth Thursday, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) blasted President Donald Trump as "the most dangerous" president in history and welcomed former Vice President Joe Biden into the Democratic race.
"He is a pathological liar and a fraud," Sanders said of the president.
Sanders spoke to about 2,000 people who gathered in Burnett Plaza downtown.
He detailed his own agenda to win the White House, hitting themes like criminal justice reform, inclusiveness and economic inequality.
"Justice means we are sick and tired of an economy in which the CEO's of large corporations now make 300 times what their workers are earning," the senator said.
Sanders didn't mention any of his Democratic challengers during his speech.
But in a brief exchange with reporters afterward, he welcomed Biden into the race.
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"Joe Biden is a friend of mine," Sanders said. "Joe and I disagree on many, many major issues. I look forward to an issues-oriented campaign where we are going to discuss the important issues facing the American people."
He also predicted Democrats will unite around the ultimate nominee.
The crowd was diverse and remarkably young.
"I think there's a big cultural change happening right now," said 18-year-old student Donaldo Elias, who came to the rally with two friends.
The three said they had not decided which candidate to support.
"There's a lot of Democrats running," said Anthony Rojas, also 18. "I think that's a great thing because we have a lot of variety of ideas and topics we can talk about."
It was notable Sanders brought his campaign to Fort Worth instead of a city like Dallas, long a Democratic stronghold.
Republicans have long dominated Tarrant County politics but Democrat Beto O'Rourke beat Republican Sen. Ted Cruz in the county in November.