
How You Can Help Restock Jacksboro Elementary's Library After the Tornado

While students return to class Tuesday, rebuilding will take quite a bit longer, but nearby districts are offering help

Texas Sky Ranger

Two of the three schools in the Jacksboro Independent School District were damaged in last week's EF-3 tornado. Jacksboro Elementary School's library lost most of its books.

Crestview Elementary in Graham, TX which is about 30 miles west of Jacksboro is conducting a book drive to help restock the shelves of the Jacksboro Elementary School library.

The school has a collection box set up and is accepting new or gently-used elementary-aged books through Friday.

An Amazon Wishlist has also been set up to make it even easier for anyone to help fill the library with appropriate books.

Starting March 29, Jacksboro Elementary School students will be attending classes at other facilities around the city, including the First Baptist Church, Jacksboro Parish, Fort Richardson Masonic Lodge and Jacksboro Middle School.

No word when elementary students will be able to return to their school, but Superintendent Brad Burnett said in a statement online that engineers will certify the structural integrity of all damaged buildings before students or staff are allowed to enter the facilities.

PHOTOS: Jacksboro Tornado Damage

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