The mystery of a broken headstone at the Graham-Argyle Cemetery has been solved thanks to media coverage.
Within the last month, construction crews working along Country Club Road found a broken gravestone.
Caretakers quickly found it didn't belong there.
NBC DFW reported on the mystery headstone that reads "Sleep with the angels L…" before cutting off on the top line and "You will be in our heart…" on the lower line. A birth date of May 1, 1987 could be seen below, and only the first two letters of the death date, Ju…
On Friday, Graham-Argyle Cemetery posted on its Facebook page that the owner of the gravestone had been found:
MYSTERY SOLVED--the owner of the mystery gravestone has been found. The stone was erected on the 5T Ranch by a gentleman who buried a horse he loved there and placed a stone in memory of the filly. The stone was likely broken by earth moving equipment on 5T Ranch during construction. We do not know what happened to the other half of the tombstone or the remains of the horse. Cemetery representatives have returned the found half of the stone to the rightful owner. Thanks to the newspaper story and TV coverage someone recognized the stone and called with information which helped to find the owner.
Graham-Argyle Cemetery tells NBC DFW the horse's name was Maryanna.