A Greenville teenager is making it his mission to remember Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action. He’s honoring their sacrifice in an unusual way, hoping it will make others remember, too.
From an early age, Warren Converse understood sacrifice and the need to honor those who fought for their country.
It's why for the last year the Greenville teenager has been setting up tables dedicated to America's Prisoners of War and Missing in Action.
"I'm helping people remember," said Converse.
He arranges the tables in busy restaurants. Each contain a white table cloth, inverted wine glass, a rose and yellow candle, along with an explanation of what each item represents.
He hopes by setting up the table in busy areas, passing customers will stop, read and reflect.
"We have one friend who died in the line of duty, so it's personal for us," said Converse. "So we just want people to come out and remember."
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Warren's father is a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Air Force. The family moves to a new post every few years and Warren's mother says you can never do enough to honor those who've sacrificed their lives for their country.
"Their families think about this every day, so if setting up a table could help us remember, if even for a moment, that single moment is a start," said Julia Converse.
Warren got the idea after seeing similar tables at military events, but had never seen them in places people visit every day.
"I want people to know that the United States is a free country and people have to sacrifice for that and some people have to make the ultimate sacrifice," he said.
Converse set up POW Greenville Blog on WordPress to explain his mission and people can request a table or demonstration.