It’s home, sweet, home today for a North Texas couple and their three children, who are now officially a family of five.
Joshua and Jeralee Redmon have been foster parents with Buckner International in Dallas since 2011.
"The couple originally became interested in fostering when they were unable to conceive,” says Lauri Ann Hanson, senior media relations coordinator at Buckner. “However, the more they were educated on the foster children in need of homes the more they made the personal realization that fostering was less about growing their family and more about providing a supportive environment for children."
Hanson said the Redmons have welcomed 11 children -- from newborn to age 7 -- into their home over the years. While fostering the children, the Redmons continued to be open to provide a permanent home to a child should the need arise.
That need happened in the span of just two weeks, but it was three children not just one available for adoption. All three had had high health risks and were hospitalized after they were placed in the Redmons’ home.
“Ayden was diagnosed with epilepsy, Cheyenne underwent cranial surgery and Abby Mae was deemed ‘failure to thrive’ due to severe influx that inhibited her from growing,” Hanson told NBCDFW in an email.
The Redmons nursed the children back to health, then learned all three were available for adoption.
The latest news from around North Texas.
The couple immediately said yes, and now their home is the forever home for Ayden, 3, Cheyenne, 2 , and Abby Mae, 6 months.
Hood County Judge Ralph Walton, Jr., made it official on Friday as he presided over three adoptions.
Thank you to the Redmons and Lauri Ann Hanson at Buckner for the pictures.