
Google Maps to Help Users Find Parking Spots

Google Maps is currently testing a new service to help you know when and where to park.

When you enter a location into your Google Maps app and ask for directions, the service will let you know what parking is like in that area.

It will allow users to make a decision if they want to make the drive or opt to stay home or take Uber instead.

Published reports say Google is considering a way to immediately link you to Uber in case you choose not to drive.

If you're determined to keep driving, the app will reportedly tell you as you're getting closer to your location when it's the right time to stop driving the route and start looking for a parking spot.

"Based on user feedback, we'll determine if this feature will roll out more broadly," said Elizabeth Davidoff, of Google.

Davidoff wouldn't say how the technology figures out if parking is available or when the service would be available in Dallas/Fort Worth.

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