The many items we throw away without hesitation will soon be on display.
It's all a part of a Trashion Show taking place this weekend. The outfits will be modeled by environmentally conscious Denton students.
The designers are young yet mindful. They've used garbage to create their unique designs. But it's more than fashion, there's education behind it.
Each team has researched their material to find out what happens to it once it's thrown away, and how it affects the environment.
Scrap Denton is behind this push to reuse items, combining trash with fashion all while inspiring the youth.
"It's a fun way to educate the public about reducing waste," said Kari Meyercord-Westerman, Scrap Director. "You're learning something about their longevity and how they don't just go away. They sit in a landfill somewhere."
The sixth annual Trashion Fashion Show will take place at the Denton Redbud Festival this Saturday.
The latest news from around North Texas.
The event is free. The winners will have their creations displayed in Scrap for the entire month of May.