FWPD, Home Depot Team Up to Help Residents Beat Summer Heat

Collaboration provides A/C units to those in need

Beating the North Texas heat isn't easy for everyone, especially those who don't have air conditioning.

But a collaboration between The Home Depot and Fort Worth Police Department is making a difference for some who need the help the most.

The sound of an A/C unit humming might be one some folks take for granted, but not Thomas Hunter.

"We just grateful for what we have, even grateful now we can cool off a little," Hunter said.

Days after their lone working window A/C unit bit the dust, the family of seven in east Fort Worth can finally chill.

"It got so hot, my fishes wanted to move out," Hunter joked.

That chill is courtesy of the collaboration, which started last summer, between the Lake Worth Home Depot store and the Fort Worth Police Department.

Hunter's new air conditioning unit is thanks to Fort Worth Police Officer Chris Munday.

"There's more to being a police officer than writing tickets and arresting people and this is part of it," Munday said.

Wednesday morning's install is the fourth so far this summer, where neighborhood officers identify families in need and the Home Depot provides the new unit.

"When you’ve got children trying to study at night and they can’t study because of the heat, it’s just heartbreaking and what we can do, we’re going to do," said The Home Depot employee Warren G.

What they did means as much to Hunter and his children as it does Warren and Officer Munday.

"I’m grateful that they thought about me and mine, you know, 'cuz there’s other people you know, like i said, doing way worse, but they thought about us knowing that we trying to do our best," Hunter said.

"It puts so much joy in my heart," Warren said.

Officer Munday has known Hunter for years. In fact, he called to check-in to see if his family may be in need. Munday first met Hunter when he was on the wrong side of the law and has followed him ever since he turned his life around and offers help whenever he can.

"With Thomas helping his kids and showing them the right way, it really makes me feel like I’ve done a better job that way, helping them out (rather) then hurting them," he said.

There are two more installations scheduled for this week. The department says none of this would be possible without The Home Depot.

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