Working out has been a staple in Lydia Reddic’s life since she was 10 years old. That’s when she started running track.
Now, she is sharing her passion for fitness with her community.
"I wanted people to come out and workout for free," said Reddic. "No pressure at all. No commitments. Just come out and workout for free and let’s sweat it out!"
She started her Cuts and Curves, free boot camp last August with classes twice a week. They get together Tuesday evening at 6:45 and Saturday mornings at 9:30 at the tennis courts behind the Bahama Beach Water Park at 4900 Dove Creek Way in Oak Cliff.
"If you have a shoulder problem or a knee problem or if you’re just getting started, there is something for you. I try to give a lot of modifications [so that everyone can participate.]"
Reddic said there are no strings attached, she just wants people to show up and make their health a priority. The former college track athlete is now a journalism teacher at Duncanville High School and a volunteer track coach for the boy’s team. This boot camp, for her, is the way to give back to the community she grew up in.
"Hopefully as you keep coming and you see it and you see the changes that its making in your life, hopefully it will shift your life in a more positive way, mentally, physically and emotionally," said Reddic.
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