
Former Detroit Police Officer Gives Insight Into New DPD Chief

A current Dallas police officer formerly worked side-by-side with incoming Dallas police chief Renee Hall on the Detroit police force and says her vision of community involvement is much needed in Dallas.

Dallas Officer Wendy Lary worked with Hall for many years in Detroit and says the new chief was part of a command staff that was instrumental in making the Motor City a safer one.

"This is my Detroit police badge when I retired," said Lary, as she held her old badge.

She came to Dallas eight years ago and works out of the South Central Division. Lary says when the news broke that her former colleague was about to become her new chief, she was excited and optimistic.

"Any task that she has been given, she has completed she has conquered," Lary said of Hall.

Some tasks, however, Lary says might come with a few challenges.

"It's a man's world down here, I will say that. It's a man's world. So she's going to have some struggles with that, but I really feel that she can, she's going to stand her ground," Lary said.

Standing her own ground is something Lary says Hall accomplished in Detroit, by quickly moving up the ranks and establishing a successful community policing program. That kind of community engagement is something Lary says Dallas is ready for.

"I'm hoping that she can affect that change for us and for the citizens. It's going to take more than just her, it's going to take all of us. We need fresh ideas, we need more camaraderie," she said.

Lary said a low moral and high attrition rate is having a negative affect on the department and hopes everyone will give her former colleague, now soon-to-be new boss, a chance.

"I think that she is very smart, very educated. and she will have wonderful ideas and get people to understand she's here with a purpose, to help the department, not hurt it," she said.

Lary says she's looking forward to the reunion and is hopeful for the future. Hall will officially take over the Dallas Police Department in early September.

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