The first homeowners will move into the new Walsh neighborhood this week — a milestone in a long-planned upscale development that promises to eventually add 50,000 new residents to west Fort Worth.
"We're very excited to be here, very excited to be the first ones in the neighborhood," said David Kaiser, an engineer for Lockheed Martin.
Kaiser and his wife, Jackie, closed on the house in December and take possession on Friday.
In the neighborhood around their new home, construction is everywhere.
A gas station is going in not far from the entrance, and a new elementary school is set to open next month.
"Things are moving along really quickly," said Walsh's community relations director, Bexie Nobles. "It's been unbelievable. You come out here literally every day and something is changing."
Walsh, named after the family that used to own the land, will eventually cover 11 square miles and take decades to finish.
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It's located in far west Fort Worth near Interstate 30 and Walsh Ranch Parkway.
Housing prices will range from the high $200,000s to more than $1 million.
The Kaisers will have to get used to a little dust around their new home, at least for now.
"It's not our intent to be pioneers, but that's how it's worked out for us here," David Kaiser said.
The project is managed by Republic Property Group in Dallas.