Nurses at Texas Health in Fort Worth doubled as wedding planners Thursday, blowing up balloons and hanging decorations. It was all for patient, Nikki Hadley.
She and her fiance Eddie McGilten tied the knot in the hospital's prayer garden. The ceremony was a surprise.
'It's like a fairy tale," Hadley said through tears. "I just didn't think he'd marry me with me being sick."
The vows "in sickness and in health" never meant so much. Hadley was diagnosed with B-Cell Lymphoma on Thursday. It's cancer of the blood. "For him to do that with me having this gives me hope," Hadley said looking at her new husband.
"It didn't matter what was in the way," said groom, Eddie McGilten. "Nothing is going to stop the love between us."
Sometimes love can't wait.
On Friday, Hadley will have more tests to see how far the cancer has progressed. McGilten said he had planned a surprise wedding in Las Vegas in July. Now he's hoping to get Hadley well enough for a honeymoon in Vegas.