About 150 years ago, the Western world, in the midst of a major industrial revolution, began an experiment. It started gathering all children during weekdays into rooms where teachers told them what they should know: memorizing letter symbols to read and bits of knowledge to recite and repeat on tests. Learning was rewarded in various ways.Soon the rooms contained only children of a single age, because it was more efficient. Learning had never been like this before. Previously for most children, learning was (and still is) done by apprenticeship, often one-on-one, with children observing adults who tutor them to gradually take over the tasks. Children's rewards lie in accomplishment of the tasks.For the more well-off half of the population, the new system of mass schooling has worked out OK. However, for lower income children, the system is a failure. Many lower-income children do not learn and many drop out. We try various means to address this, recently with charter schools, but these programs operate as conventional schools. Continue reading...
New Study Shows Montessori Can Level the Playing Field for Low-income Kids
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