DFW International Airport Could Add Sensors for Security Line Wait Time

Travelers could get live updates through DFW's app

The DFW International Airport Board will vote Thursday on a contract to add tracking sensors at all 16 security checkpoints.

The airport’s board of directors is set to vote on the three-year, $2.7 million contract with Massachusetts-based Xovis USA, which developed the technology, our partners at The Dallas Morning News reported.

The new technology will include 3D tracking sensors with the goal of monitoring the Transportation Security Administration checkpoint wait time in real time.

The sensors will measure the flow of passengers from the time they get in line and onto baggage screening. Travelers could get live updates through the airport system’s app.

“The DFW Airport Board is delighted to be a leader in customer experience," Regina Montoya, vice chair of the DFW Airport Board of Directors wrote in a statement. "This new technology will allow DFW to predict approximate wait times at TSA checkpoints in all of our terminals. By giving customers the information they want, they can make decisions that are best for them about where to park, which terminal to enter or whether to make the short walk to another checkpoint. We hope to have the new technology in place at all 16 checkpoints by Summer 2019.”

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